Parent Resources

 "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, 

but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." 

Ephesians 6:4

Parents and Grandparents: you know that God has given you the responsibility of discipling your children, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. At Liberty, we believe our role as a church is to equip you with the tools you need to disciple your kids, even as you grow as a disciple of Jesus. Here are a few tools we provide:

Bulletin Insert

In every week's bulletin, we include sermon discussion questions which can help you talk through the sermon with your children each week, maybe after lunch on Sunday afternoons or after dinner on Sunday evenings. 

Sunday School

Because we love our families to be together for our worship Services, age specific instruction for our kids happens before the Sunday service at Sunday School. It's an hour between 9-10AM where we learn the basics of following Jesus in engaging ways, first in our opening (9-9:30), when kids and adults learn the basics together, and then in our age specific classes (9:30-10), where adults and kids engage in Bible study at their learning level. Sunday School is LBC's primary way of equipping families to disciple their kids. Our desire is for Sunday mornings to be a jumping off point for families as they disciple their kids throughout the week. Here are some resources to take Sunday morning into Monday-Saturday:

Memory Verse Links:

Every week in our Sunday School opening exercises, we walk all our kids, students, and adults through a couple of memory verse songs. To practice the songs we sing in the car or at home, find the YouTube playlist here.

Catechism Links:

Every week in our Sunday School opening exercises, we walk all our kids, students, and adults together through a catechism question. "Catechism" just means teaching aloud: in the form of questions and answers, we walk through the basics of the Christian faith. We use the New City Catechism, a modern Catechism written to train up today's Christians in our unchanging faith.  Find all kinds of resources for the New City Catechism here.